Metric Calibration of a Focused Plenoptic Camera based on a 3D Calibration Target

In this paper we present a new calibration approach for focused plenoptic cameras. We derive a new mathematical projection model of afocused plenoptic camera which considers lateral as well as depth distortion. Therefore, we derive a new depth …

Investigating Mathematical Models for Focused Plenoptic Cameras

This paper presents a mathematical projection model for focused plenoptic cameras. The model defines the projection from object space to the virtual image space inside the plenoptic camera. We estimate the camera model by performing bundle adjustment …

Depth Estimation from Micro Images of a Plenoptic Camera

This paper presents a method to calculate the depth values of 3D points by means of a plenoptic camera. Opposed to other approaches which use the totally focused image to detect points, we operate directly on the micro images taking thus advantage of …

Feature based RGB-D SLAM for a Plenoptic Camera

This paper presents a method to estimate the camera poses for images of a plenoptic camera. For this, a feature based RGB-D SLAM is used. A new method for matching the features between two images will be presented. Finally the result of the algorithm …

A Real-Time Depth Estimation Approach for a Focused Plenoptic Camera

This paper presents an algorithm for real-time depth estimation with a focused plenoptic camera. The described algorithm is based on pixel-wise stereo-observations in the raw image recorded by the plenoptic camera which are combined in a …

Filtering Probabilistic Depth Maps Received from a Focused Plenoptic Camera

This paper presents a filtering approach for semidense probabilistic depth map received from a focused plenoptic camera. In the probabilistic depth map each valid depth pixel contains, beside the depth value itself, a variance which gives a measure …

Establishing a Probabilistic Depth Map from Focused Plenoptic Cameras

In this paper we propose a novel method for depth estimation based on a single recording of a focused plenoptic camera. The presented algorithm is based on multiple stereo-observations within the multi-view micro images of the focused plenoptic …

Narrow Field-Of-View Visual Odometry Based on a Focused Plenoptic Camera

In this article we present a new method for visual odometry based on a focused plenoptic camera. This method fuses the depth datagained by a monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm and the one received from a focused …

Applying a Traditional Calibration Method to a Focused Plenoptic Camera

This article presents a method to calibrate the optical imaging process of a focused plenoptic camera. At first, the concept of a focused plenoptic camera is presented, where the synthesis of images from the recorded light-field is described. It is …

Edge Segmentation in Images of a Focused Plenotic Camera

In this article we present a method for 3D segmentation which is optimized for the recordings of a focused plenoptic camera. Since, caused by the imaging concept of a plenoptic camera, depth information is only received for regions of high contrast …